Weak Timid Afraid

by Kathy Slater Neilsen


Her skin translucent, veins within, a road map to her heart. The heart I’ve been cast from. I loom over her, wood stake poised.

Eyes open, burning, upon me.

“Get off.”  She flicks me aside, a broken, pathetic mortal.

“Turn me” I plead. “If you love me, turn me.”

“Love? You’re weak, timid, afraid. Turning won’t change that.” She stares. Laughing. “You’re good for one thing only.”

She’s upon me, wild, fierce, hungry. Cold fangs pierce warm flesh. An oaken stake intervenes. Startled, eyes wide, her heart stutters, stops. Eyes dim. Blood gushes. I drink.

I am…




Kathy Slater Neilsen

Kathy Slater Neilsen has always possessed a passion for writing as well as reading. Her early writing career included freelance non-fiction. Then, as is often the case, life lead her on a different journey that included motherhood and a small business. But she never stopped writing. Now retired and living on the east coast she is currently writing fiction and is focused on short stories and flash fiction.