Welcome to Swingers Island

by Jacqueline Moran Meyer


“Welcome to Swingers Island,” the musk-oiled Adonis had said, handing an excited Don and Yolanda the flamingo they would be in charge of for their entire vacation. But after spending a day on the nude beach, getting sunburned in unmentionable places, while chasing that bird, their excitement waned.


“What does it want?” Don yelled, adjusting his mullet wig.

“Who knows? You’re carrying it tonight,” Yolanda dressed as a nun ordered, tonight being fetish night.

Outside, they were stunned to see the carnage of flamingos attacking the guests.

“They’ve had enough,” Don murmured before his flamingo tore off his ear.

Jacqueline Moran Meyer

Jacqueline Moran Meyer has been published in many Black Hare Press anthologies, Bewildering Stories, Iron Faerie Press anthologies, Eerie River Publishers, Blood Song Books, Flash Fiction Magazine, Grinning Skull Press, among others. Visit her website www.jmoranmeyer.net.