Who’s Got the Brains Now

by C.L. Sidell

Damien sets the bell curve—gets A-pluses on exams, wins first place for science fair projects.

“Why couldn’t you have got your brother’s brains?”

That’s a good question. One that I ponder for days. I know siblings—even identical twins—inherit different traits from each parent.


I conduct my own experiment. When our parents leave on a weekend-long retreat, I drug Damien and saw open his skull. Fry his grey matter one wrinkle at a time.


That night, I dream of mathematical equations and converse fluently in French.

There’s no doubt.

I’m the brains of the family now.


C.L. Sidell

A native Floridian, C.L. Sidell grew up playing with toads in the rain and indulging in speculative fiction. Her work has appeared in The Dread Machine, Factor Four Magazine, F&SF, Martian Magazine, Medusa Tales Magazine, and others.

Website: crystalsidell.wixsite.com/mysite/publications